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Neue Forenbeiträge
  • PortoMari Beach (4 Antworten)
    23.11.2023 02:02 , von emmastewart
    No so Many Places in the World similar than Playa PortoMari is an unique way to enjoy the nature, the classy and the love of Curacao.

    It is magical the restaurant with the marvelous view of Blue clear water, with such wonderful hamburguers and paninis, uau and the red snapper is something delicious to enjoy it with a Montana Red Beer, It has been great just the experience of attending them.

    Whenever it is maintenance day to PortoMari, I am just a volanteer to have a change day or week with that pure esence of the love of god.

    It is nice to have the mix of a great value on accomodations and the great value of nice fishes and diving magic.

    Thanks for Being Here Porto Mari


  • Party to Go - Beer System - Take your Keg 30lts everywhere (1 Antwort)
    16.12.2022 04:40 , von MagistrWow
    Final Price Naf 400.00  
    qty cups 25ml 120
    cost per cup 3.33

    The system includes:
    - 1 keg 30 lts Blond Beer
    - 1 CO2 Cilinder
    - 1 One Portable Ice Jog System
    - 1 Co2 Regulator
    - 1 Coupler
    - 3 bags of Ice for start up
    - 150 Nonreturnable Cups